Tram Trains
Tram trains are manufactured by all of the leading names in rail systems, Alstom, Hitachi, Stadler, Bombardier etc. They allow for usage on existing train lines and tram rails, giving full flexibility on where they can be used, while allowing for easy future expansion. They can be manufactured to run on battery power only, again adding even more flexibility in future expansion and allowing ease of use through our tunnels (Clifton Down to Portbury). By using battery operated Tram Trains, and by installing charging stations every 4 to 5 km (30 to 60 seconds charge time), the existing urban train network can be ready to use the new Tram Trains very quickly, and at a fraction of the cost of electrification. The Tram Trains can be manufactured to allow for our existing station levels, creating level access for disabled wheelchair users. New stations can be built at the same height, as can the tram stops on any new street line.
This video below shows the flexibility of the Alstom Citadis Dualis, which can run on tram lines and existing train tracks, without the need for overhead or third rail electrification.