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Phase Three

Yellow Line


Phase three, is the construction of a new line, from the Airport to St Andrews Road, via the new Metro Terminal. The line will give access to the Airport from the southeast of the city, while connecting areas such as Bishopsworth, Hengrove and Knowle West to the metro network, and at the same time connecting areas such as Clifton, Westbury Park, The Downs and Westbury on Trym in the west.


New Stations (not including any stations added in phase 2) – Bishopsworth, Hengrove, Knowle West, Wells Road/Airport Road Junction, Knowle, Clifton Down Tram Stop, Whiteladies Road, Westbury Park/Downs, Westbury on Trym, and the Old Crow.


The Route - Leaving the Airport, the Tram Trains will head north on A38 to Barrow Gurney, and then to Bedminster Down, It will turn east onto Colliters Way, King Georges Road, Anton Bantock Way, A4174, Hengrove Way, Airport Road, and turn Left into Wells Road. Follow Wells Road, onto Bath Road, onto Temple Gate and into the new Metro Terminal. Then back out onto Temple Way going North, turn left onto Bond Street and go right at the St James Barton Roundabout into Marlborough Street, then continue onto Upper Maudlin Street, continue along Park Row, then Whiteladies Road to the downs, and continue onto the A4018 Westbury Road, then Falcondale Road to Henbury.


New tram lines would be fitted on all of the roads, allowing other traffic to use the roads and to minimise disruption and allowing traffic to use the roads at the same time.

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